Master Job Quests

The enhancements available within the Job Point/Capacity Point system from Seekers of Adoulin are, unfortunately, not available on private servers yet. In the mean time, Nocturnal Souls offers unique quests for each job to unlock the potential of their existing spells and abilities.

These quests will typically alter existing spells to provide additional abilities or, in some cases, change the spell entirely to match what would have been granted as part of the job point system.


The goal will be to have quests for every class available; however, these will take time. If you’re interested in writing or designing a quest, please contact a GM!

The FFXI Jobs

Requirements To Start

To start the Master Quest, you must have the following:

  • Level 99 for both main job and sub job.
  • A completed (i119 III) relic weapon and a completed (i119 III) mythic weapon.
  • Completion of the RoZ, CoP, and ToAU storylines.
  • At least 90 unspent merit points (each quest step will require an additional 90 points).
    • The starter NPC will not prompt you with the quest UNLESS you have 90 points banked, even if you meet the other requirements.
    • Subsequent quests will notify you if you meet the requirements, but lack sufficient merit points.

The completed relic and mythic weapons must be in your inventory or mog house to be registered as completed. If you’ve moved these onto offline storage, the quest giver will not be able to find them and flag you for the quest.

Class Quest Starters

Each class has a unique class starter NPC. You’ll need to find them and figure out their clues on how to proceed with each quest.

A couple of hints:

  • These NPCs will likely be in the main cities: San d’Oria, Bastok, Windurst, Jeuno, Tavnazia, Aht Urghan, or Adoulin. They can, however, be anywhere in the world based on the job quest.
  • They will have played a part in either a main storyline quest, the expansion storylines, or the job quests in some way. Sometimes it’s the person who gave you your first artifact armor quest, other times it’s a notable NPC you’ve met throughout your journey.

You’ll want to have the Renamer addon loaded to make finding some of the NPCs easier.

Good luck!

Master Job Enhancement Status

To see the current status of your Master Job enhancements, view your profile on the Members Portal under your Jobs/Crafts tab on your profile.

Master Job Q&A

90 merit points PER quest? That’s crazy! Why does it cost so much?

The retail job point system runs at 30,000 capacity points (which is gained at a GREATLY reduced rate from mobs lower than 125) per job point. You need 2100 job points to become a ‘master’. That’s 6.3 million capacity points. Since capacity points don’t exist in our world yet, we use merit points as a token qualifier. 90 merit points is 900,000 exp.

On average, all jobs will have 4-5 master job quests, for a total of 3.6 to 4.5 million limit points. Since you can gain limit points from anywhere at a fairly even rate, the rate of acquisition is MUCH faster. In most cases, you’ll gain at least a third or more of the merit points you need while doing each quest.

There are several ways you can quickly earn limit points:

  • Using rings that grant Dedication bonuses to increase limit point gain.
  • Daily BCNMs and Hunts provide experience point bonuses.
  • Good, old fashioned farming in level i105+ areas, such as Adoulin or Abyssea.

Where do I find {x}? How do I do {x}?

Who knows! Use the context clues in the dialog to find NPCs and locations and meet the requirements of each quest. Some are easier than others. Some are heavily influenced by randomness, others are straight forward.

Can I do this solo?

In theory (and testing), yes. We’re designing the quests to be soloed by the intended job; however, depending on gear, subjob, augments, and skill, your mileage may vary. Some fights, however, are very edge-of-your-seat if you’re soloing them. 😈

Do I need to do this?

Nope! This is entirely optional. We have no intention to ever lock additional content behind the master job quests, only continue to expand them.

Master Job Quests Implemented

We’re working every day to get more quests implemented. Here’s the current status. Our goal is to get one main quest per job completed, then a second, third, etc.

We’re also focusing on more frequently played jobs first; however, if there’s demand for a specific job, we’ll take that into consideration (or if someone wants to write it!).

Job Starter Complete? Starter Tip Max Quest Complete
WAR Done ✅ The bored doorman… 1 / 5
MNK Done ✅ Listen to his tales of old… 1 / 5
WHM Done ✅ Find the watchful serpent… 1 / 5
BLM Done ✅ Seek out an old magi… 1 / 5
RDM Done ✅ Speak with the watchful eye… 5 / 5
THF Done ✅ Track down the cat burglar… 1 / 5
PLD 0 / 5
DRK 0 / 5
BST 0 / 5
BRD 0 / 5
RNG 0 / 5
SMN 0 / 5
NIN In Progress Born on dreams of family… 0 / 5
DRG 0 / 5
SAM 0 / 5
BLU 0 / 5
COR 0 / 5
PUP 0 / 5
DNC 0 / 5
SCH 0 / 5

Master Job Quest Bonuses

Each master job quest unlocks job bonuses and enhancements similar to those granted by the Job Point system.

Warrior - Champion Gladiator

Rank 1

  • Store TP +30
  • DEF +50
  • Axe Skill +50
  • Great Axe Skill +50
  • Critical Hit Rate +5%

Monk - Black Belt

Rank 1

  • Evasion +25
  • Magic Evasion +25
  • Footwork Attack Bonus +15
  • Extra Kick Attacks +10%
  • Boost +25
  • Counter +10

White Mage - Battle Cleric

Rank 1

  • Magic Attack Bonus +20
  • Magic Evasion +25
  • Magic Accuracy +30
  • Divine Magic Skill +50
  • Spell Interruption Rate -20%
  • Magic Damage +100

Black Mage - Black Wizard

Rank 1

  • Magic Attack Bonus +20
  • Magic Accuracy +20
  • Elemental Magic Skill +20
  • Dark Magic Skill +20
  • Magic Burst Bonus +5%
  • Magic Damage +100

Red Mage - Red Wizard

Rank 1

  • Magic Attack Bonus +10
  • Magic Accuracy +15
  • Temper -> Temper II (+Double Attack becomes +Triple Attack)

Rank 2

  • Magic Attack Bonus +10
  • Magic Evasion +25
  • Magic Accuracy +30
  • Magic Damage +100

Rank 3

  • Enspell Damage +50
  • Sword Skill +50
  • Elemental Magic Skill +50
  • Dark Magic Skill +50
  • Enhancing Magic Duration +15

Rank 4

  • Enhance: Refresh +6
  • Enhance: Regen +2
  • Regen Duration +5
  • Enhancement Magic Skill +50
  • Enfeebling Magic Skill +50

Rank 5

  • Quadruple Attack +2%
  • Absorb Damage to MP +5%
  • Spikes Damage +50
  • Spell Interruption Rate -15%
  • Death Resistance +15

Thief - Stealthy Assassin

Rank 1

  • Accuracy +50
  • Evasion +50
  • Subtle Blow +20
  • Critical Hit Damage +5%
  • Hide Duration +10