Update Notes

Nocturnal Souls is constantly in flux with new features and content. We aim to roll out new features and functionality once a week; however, scripts and new content can be rolled out as often as it’s created without downtime. Thanks to our testing and development team for all their hard work!

Here’s the latest changes and enhancements:

14 June

Client Update - June 2024


For a refresher on how to update your client, click here.

In Check Files and/or when typing /ver in game, the new version number should be 30240604_1 or higher.


Community members who are using high-definition DATs, such as Ashenbubs, are recommended to use XIPivot to sideload their files to making updating month-to-month easier. Be sure to grab it to get the latest textures. Players who use Xi-View should update from Caradog or KenshiDRK depending on which one they use.

Ensuring you have the latest versions can fix several issues with chat windows crashing clients, icons not showing up right, etc.

The #CrankItTo11 Campaign

As many know, during the past month of chaos, the servers we’re lost when Mother Nature decided to yeet a portion of my house in a storm. Sadly, our backups of backups got yeeted too (our plan didn’t include the loss of the room; lessons learned.). Thanks to the community for their patience and thanks to the testing and CM team for swarming on ideas, hardware, setup, and testing over the past week.

With that, based on feedback and review, we’re moving forward with a new direction.

First, the “v1” Nocturnal Souls is back and ready.

This server will remain up while we plan for “v2” - A migration to LSB and an evolution in our custom storylines and systems. 2024 marks the 6 year anniversary of Nocturnal Souls being online and we’ve learned a lot. We want to take this opportunity to rethink things from the start–how systems fit together, how complex (or unappealing) some systems are compared to others, etc. More on that as we iterate. If you’re not already, join our Discord and watch the #updates channel.

However, once we’re ready for v2 to come out, v1 will go away. For now, think of v1 as a sandbox to continue to explore. We’ll make it worth your while. :)

How do I connect?

We’ve shifted the connection address for now to help separate out what we’re doing. connect.nocturnalsouls.net will be repointed too, eventually.

  • Connect to --server v1.nocturnalsouls.net;
  • Data has been restored as of 14 March 2024. If your account or character was created after this, you’ll need to create a new one (or create a new one anyway for fun).

How do I get to the Members Portal?

What’s changed? What’s #CrankItTo11?

Since, as stated above, v1 is going away–we’ve decided to make it a bit of a sandbox for a while. Let players explore systems, gear up, get to zones, etc. faster than before. Most of this is targeted towards Heroics for those wanting a chance to explore those zones.


  • Experience Point Rate: 5.0x -> 5.5x
  • Delve Bayld Rate: 1.0x -> 2.x, 2.0x -> 3.25x on Sundays and Thursdays
  • Daily BCNM 99 loot now randomly picks a slot rather than being tied to a single slot for a week.


  • The Summer Heatwaves event is active. This event will likely remain active until v2.
    • 95% Chance of Heatwave gain
    • This means that custom and event BCNMs are on a 16h timer instead of 20.
  • Hot Zones give double to triple bonus XP for NG+ 2+ players.

Reisenjima Henge

  • Beastmen’s & Kindred’s Medals: 1-3 -> 1-5 per kill
  • Cloths: 50% -> 100% chance, 0-1 -> 1-2 per kill
  • Niobium Ore: 1% -> 10% chance per kill


  • Reduction in Rank Up Requirements
    • Rank 1-4, Same
    • Rank 5: 175 -> 150 missions, same infamy
    • Rank 6: 225 -> 175 missions, 8500 -> 8000 infamy
    • Rank 7: 300 -> 200 missions, 10000 -> 9000 infamy
    • Rank 8: 400 -> 250 missions, 12500 -> 10000 infamy
    • Rank 9: 500 -> 300 missions, 15000 -> 11000 infamy
    • Rank 10: 600 -> 400 missions, 17500 -> 12000 infamy
    • Rank 11: 700 -> 500 missions, 20000 -> 15000 infamy
  • Base chance of personal loot increased 15% -> 35% (before Heroics Rank bonus added).
  • Players assisting with Peacekeeper missions now receive the same infamy reward as the quest starter.

Escha Zi’Tah

  • Spawned NMs: Spawn Chance 10% -> 45%
  • Affi awards 2 missions instead of 1 for each key item turn in.


  • Ascended: Spawn Chance 15% -> 45%
  • Shiftrix awards 3 missions instead of 2 for each key item turn in.
  • Key Items: All key item drops are 100% for all tiers except Quetzecoatl.

Escha Ru’Aun

  • Warders: Spawn Chance 15% -> 45%
  • Key Items: All key item drops are 100% for all tiers.
  • Dremi awards 3 missions instead of 2 for each key item turn in.
  • Spawn trade requirements reduced:
    • AA’s : 24 -> 12 ashweed
    • tier 1: 5 -> 1 {item}
    • tier 2: 5 -> 1 {item}
    • tier 3: 12 -> 6 {item}

What isn’t available?

Most everything’s remaining up and online–what’s not going to be available is us!

  • Support for in-game issues will need to be sourced via the community or in the #ffxi_general discord channel (to be fair, this is usually what happens). Feedback/suggestions on the portal is turned off. There’s going to be plenty of opportunities for v2 suggestions.
  • We won’t be having any ongoing maintenance or updates to the server unless some sort of crash condition occurs.
  • We’re not going to be keeping up with client updates, so you’ll want to keep a separate June 2024 client.
  • The hardware we have this running on is gifted to us and temporary for the duration of v1.

What’s next?

  • Look for a new wiki teasing out ideas, information, and soliciting feedback coming out in the next month or so.

19 May

Client Update - May 2024


For a refresher on how to update your client, click here.

In Check Files and/or when typing /ver in game, the new version number should be 30240426_0 or higher.

  • Message ID shifts in 227 zones.

Community members who are using high-definition DATs, such as Ashenbubs, are recommended to use XIPivot to sideload their files to making updating month-to-month easier. Be sure to grab it to get the latest textures. Players who use Xi-View should update from Caradog or KenshiDRK depending on which one they use.

Ensuring you have the latest versions can fix several issues with chat windows crashing clients, icons not showing up right, etc.


  • BUG Update the goblin weels desynth to use lightning crystals instead of wind crystals.

12 May


  • UPDATE Added a new desynthesis recipe for goblin weels (dropped off many Shadowera goblins) with lightning crystals.
    • NOTE:: This is with a wind crystal, not a lightning crystal. We’ll update it back to lightning next week.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where the Imperial Wing Hairpin +1 was missing the Unity mods.

28 April

Spring Break 2024

The Spring Break 2024 event is concluded for the year. Our next event, Beat the Heatwaves, will kick off in late June to early July.


  • BUG Addressed an issue where spawned adds may not properly claim when the main mob was spawned by a pet.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where the Passion Jacket Waltz modifiers was for targeted waltz skills, not all waltz skills.

21 April

Spring Break 2024


Reminder, the Spring Break event is extended until maintenance on 28 April 2024 (at 4pm CT/Server Time).

  • New egg words have been aded.
    • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Sometimes it’s a medieval judicial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and sometimes they’re some some eggs.
    • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Those big birds have big mouths. I wonder if they’re any good at fishing.


  • UPDATE Updated INT and MP regeneration effect of Crimson Jelly to reflect new retail values.

14 April

Client Update - April 2024


For a refresher on how to update your client, click here.

In Check Files and/or when typing /ver in game, the new version number should be 30240327_0 or higher.

  • No significant shifts.

Community members who are using high-definition DATs, such as Ashenbubs, are recommended to use XIPivot to sideload their files to making updating month-to-month easier. Be sure to grab it to get the latest textures. Players who use Xi-View should update from Caradog or KenshiDRK depending on which one they use.

Ensuring you have the latest versions can fix several issues with chat windows crashing clients, icons not showing up right, etc.

Spring Break 2024

  • New egg words have been added.
    • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - A lucky charm, washed in with the rising tide…
    • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Just a silly little guy being a foolish fool.


  • UPDATE Added the Efflux TP Bonus and Monster Correlation item modifiers to Rosmerta’s Cape.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where random NPC in Beadeaux didn’t have a model, so showed up as the Warchief. Should now be a normal ??? sparkle.
  • BUG Addressed an issue with instancing’s loot validator only checking the trade initiator, not the rest of the alliance, to see if loot had been collected before allowing entry into a zone.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where jug pet physical moves were not properly accounting for Killer Instinct and a 0 was getting passed for base damage depending on the type of Ready move. All physical moves should see a slight damage bonus.

Heroics - Escha Ru’Aun

  • UPDATE The spawn chance of Warders increased 5% and respawn time reduced from 5m to 2m.
  • UPDATE The drop rate of Nazars from Warders increased to 100%.

Empyrean BCNMs

  • UPDATE Removed crafting materials from the Empyrean BCNMs (Glavoid, Kukulkan, Ironclad).
  • UPDATE Added all potential abdhaljs drops (for JSE capes) to each encounter with one item being the “common” item for each. As there’s only 7 mobs instead of 8, Dye is the only one with single Common drop encounter.

Note: You can see the drops on the BCNMs too, but here’s a quick list.

Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare
Glavoid Dust Sap Dye Thread
Chloris Sap Dye Thread Dust
Briareus Dye Thread Dust Sap
Carabosse Thread Dust Sap Dye
Fistule Thread Sap Dye Dust
Kukulkan Dust Dye Thread Sap
Ironclad Sap Thread Dust Dye

The Halls of Legion Loot

  • UPDATE New crafting materials have been added as drops in the Halls of An, Ki, Im, and Muru. Drops in the last slot of the coffer’s personal loot.
    • Beryllium Ore = Common
    • Palladian Brass Ore = Common
    • Kapor Log = Very Common
    • Thokcha Ore = Uncommon

31 March

Spring Break 2024

Spring Break Egg Hunt

The flowers are blooming and the bunnies are rampaging.

In this year’s event:

  • All previously known egg words have been revealed (almost 60 prizes).
  • We’ll be adding a few new words a week over the next few weeks.
  • A few new faces will be joining the party in weeks 2 and 3 of the event.

Login Point Rewards - April/May

New login point rewards have been added to the Logins Coffer in !relax.

Aern Weapons Cait Sith Cap
Silver Gun Moogle Bed
Byakko Mount Red Raptor Mount

In addition:

  • Poroggo Coat
  • Chocobo Comode


  • UPDATE (hotfix) Addressed an issue with the Broadleaf Palms in Foret de Hennetiel not properly opening pathways.
  • UPDATE The usability flag has been added to the Airmid’s Gorget.
  • UPDATE Addressed missing haste modifier on the Luhlaza Bazubands +1.

24 March


  • UPDATE (hotfix) Shift the IDs in TOAU-era instances to align to the new NPC ranges.
  • UPDATE (hotfix) Shift the treasure coffers in The Savage II (AQ BCNM) so that they appear in the correct BCNM.
  • UPDATE (hotfix) Remove the entry relic or mythic weapon requirement for Apollyon and Temenos. This was originally officially removed as part of the Chronicles update, but the entry check got missed.
  • UPDATE Update the ‘moving shrubs’ in Yorcia Weald to no longer show their names (or lack thereof) floating ominously over the pathways. This will kick in next time the zone restarts–no real reason to restart the zone server for this.
  • BUG (hotfix) Address an issue where Wild Carrot lacked a floor basepower, so players with significantly poor stats wouldn’t be able to cast it.

17 March

Client Update - March 2024


For a refresher on how to update your client, click here.

In Check Files and/or when typing /ver in game, the new version number should be 30240304_0 or higher.

  • NPC shifts in every single zone. All of them. 23,039 of them. Cutscenes, dialogue NPCs, doors, even crates on the floors.

If you notice a cutscene, quest, or NPC not working, please submit a ticket for it and we’ll review and get it addressed ASAP. I’m assuming that a few things will fall between the cracks with so many changes. If you get “caught” in a cutscene, try using the !release command and proceeding to the next step. It may have updated before it got caught.


Community members who are using high-definition DATs, such as Ashenbubs, are recommended to use XIPivot to sideload their files to making updating month-to-month easier. Be sure to grab it to get the latest textures. Players who use Xi-View should update from Caradog or KenshiDRK depending on which one they use.

Ensuring you have the latest versions can fix several issues with chat windows crashing clients, icons not showing up right, etc.

Hot Zone/Apex Mob Adjustments

  • The minimum XP bonus for NewGame+ 2+ players has been increased by 25% in Moh Gates, Sih Gates, Woh Gates, and Outer Ra’Kaznar.
  • The base XP bonus for all Apex mobs has been increased by 15% (regardless of NG+ status).
  • Apex mobs now take slightly more magic burst and skillchain damage. In addition, apex mobs now have slightly lower attributes (str, dex, etc.) making them easier targets for lower levels (don’t let their higher level scare you away!).

Infamy Adjustments

The infamy rewards in Escha Ru’Aun have been redesigned. Previously, tier 1 and 2 did not reward infamy causing the climb to be far less rewarding in that zone. Escha Ru’Aun has been updated to provide a similar infamy reward to Reisenjima, though only having three tiers of Gaes Fete instead of four.

  • Free Spawning NMs (Nazar): 25 -> 30
  • Tier 1 Gaes Fete: 0 -> 75
  • Tier 2 Gaes Fete: 0 -> 100
  • Tier 3 Gaes Fete: 75 -> 120
  • Naga Raja: 100 -> 200

In addition, the tier 3 encounters (Duke Vepar, Pakecet, Vir’ava, and the Warder of Courage) now reward 2 Peacekeeper missions instead of 1, similar to Reisenjima.


  • The Malfeasance great sword now has its proper model and item modifiers.
  • The Voluspa Chopper great axe now has its proper model.
  • The Plaguevein Bats have been updated! Thanks to Webjester for farming them on retail and getting us some captures, the bats are not three sets of mobs, but just one mob with 2 untargetable copies. This should resolve the loot issue as there’s no more “which died first” issue. To compensate for only one mob compared to three, Plaguevein Bats’ HP is now 2.5x higher, along the lines of the other Delve encounters.
  • A group of 36 matamatas in Morimar Basalt Fields have had their respawn times updated from 60m to 5m.

10 March

Account Security

In light of this week’s attempted trolling, I wanted to do two things to reiterate to the community around account security.

  1. The issue of seeing another player’s characters has been a long-standing private server issue. Attempting to log in provides a POL-0001 error and prevents login because your connected account and the character’s account IDs do not match. This is mostly harmless.
  2. One player attempted to delete another player’s character this week. Thankfully, while the screen updates, the deletion never occurs for that same reason–the account IDs do not match.

What We Had

  • As most know, we do full backups every 30 minutes and store them offsite. Those can be restored, in worst case scenarios, at any time.
  • Our character deletion process is ‘soft’–meaning deletes do not occur for 30 days (this is why, some of you have pointed out, you can’t delete a character and immediately make a new one of the same name).

What We’ve Done

  • We’ve added additional logging of not only the accounts, but IPs of players who are attempting to cause harm. Even if harm isn’t actually causes, the intent is there, which is a violation of our Server Guidelines. This will allow us, if necessary, to take actions against malicious actors.
  • The Server Guidelines have been updated to be more explicit in the ‘Do No Harm’ mantra that should be assumed, but is now in black and white.
  • We’ve strengthened our anti-deletion mechanisms to prevent the connection from continuing if the account IDs do not match.
  • We’ve removed the 30 day timer for account deletion for historical records. Characters found to be banned from our community will continue to be perma-deleted rather than stored.

If anyone feels as if their accounts are under attack or compromised, as always–please reach out to a GM or CM for assistance and guidance.


  • UPDATE Added the Carbuncle Ring +1 synergy recipe. Not sure how this got missed years ago.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where the Vedic Coat had incorrect item modifiers.

3 March


  • BUG Addressed an issue where Demoralizing Roar applied as a ‘buff’ to the monster rather than a debuff to the target. Wivers no longer inflict Attack Down and make themselves sad.
  • BUG Addressed an edge case where some pet abilities could fire off just as a target dies, causing a crash condition.
  • BUG Addressed an edge case where a zone crash could occur when players logged out all of their characters at once and the party/alliance couldn’t properly disband.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where pets affected by status effects, such as Sleep, would continue to roam, even though asleep. They should remain in place now.
  • BUG Addressed a potential exploit condition around weapon swapping.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where summoning magic cast speed could underflow causing summoning to cast forever.
  • BUG Addressed a potential exploit condition around item inventories.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where when all players are tied for enmity, the mob will focus on its current target until the tie is broken. This should make initial enmity on pet jobs more reliable.
  • BUG Addressed a condition where mobs charmed by Bard songs would go unclaimed when the charm was broken, rather than re-engaging with the player.

25 February


  • BUG Addressed an issue where Acerbic Jagils in Mortimar Basalt Fields didn’t drop the proper shards for Wildkeeper Reives.
  • BUG Addressed an issue with the mob skill Gnash ’n Guttle that caused it to not properly do ice damage (was simply removing HP). This should address an edge case where players are using temp item potions and it not partially blocking the damage.

18 February

Client Update - February 2024


For a refresher on how to update your client, click here.

In Check Files and/or when typing /ver in game, the new version number should be 30240206_1 or higher.

  • No significant updates; just keeping things moving.
    • There was a new HTBF added with some new fun stuff we may adapt to our own usage. :)

Community members who are using high-definition DATs, such as Ashenbubs, are recommended to use XIPivot to sideload their files to making updating month-to-month easier. Be sure to grab it to get the latest textures. Players who use Xi-View should update from Caradog or KenshiDRK depending on which one they use.

Ensuring you have the latest versions can fix several issues with chat windows crashing clients, icons not showing up right, etc.


  • BUG Addressed an issue where Blacksmith guild recruits would get the wrong requested item for pattern 1 days.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where some guild requests would show the HQ item instead of the NQ item because the HQ item had a lower item ID. This should be fixed.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where the Voluspa Gun didn’t know it was a gun and didn’t like to equip bullets. It was a bow in disguise (#cuetransformerstheme).

4 February


  • UPDATE Updated Quetzalcoatl’s forced Cyclone Wing to be every 300s instead of every every 120s. He can still cast this as a normal TP move randomly as part of his skill set (and should still be TP-managed).
  • BUG Fixed numerous ninjutsu bag names in the database so that they call the proper item scripts and are usable.
  • BUG Fixed Gnash n’ Guttle TP move to properly do magical ice damage instead of magical non-elemental damage.
  • BUG Fixed the Regain status effect to flag as dispellable, meaning it can now be dispelled from targets and should be removed on job change.
  • BUG (hotfix) Addressed an issue where Mykyr wouldn’t work in zones where mobs had not been engaged yet.
  • BUG Fixed a typo in Oboro’s speech that said ‘along’ instead of ‘alone’.

28 January


  • UPDATE Refined the daily guild point recipes system which should resolve the issue where it asks for HQ items and grants incorrect points (thanks DHoffryn for the grunt work and research).
  • UPDATE Added the Maliya Sickle as a craftable scythe for those BLMs looking for style lock ideas or heavy-hitting melee WS builds.
  • UPDATE Added some missing item mods to the Dragoon empyrean armor sets (NQ/+1).
    • Cuissots: Adds +13/15% attack bonus to spirit and soul jump and replaced the mistaken +100% critical hit damage with the proper 10% value. NOTE: This is attack bonus, not damage bonus. If your attack already exceeds the target’s defense, there will be little change in damage.
    • Mezail: Adds +12/14% physical and magical damage absorption to the wyvern.
    • Schynbalds: Adds +60/+70 TP Bonus to Spirit Jump.
    • The chest piece’s bonus (where the wyvern gets your food) was not wired up as, frankly, not even sure how we’d do that right now and how it would work with food where the pet already gets it. The wyverns are strong enough anyway. 😂
  • UPDATE Added the missing latent effect on the Mindmelter. Being poisoned now makes you smarter.
  • UPDATE Added the missing latent effect on the Counselor’s Garb granting +25% movement speed in Eastern and Western Adoulin.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where Mighty Guard wouldn’t properly apply its haste (magical) effect and increased this effect to be 20% to reflect recent retail testing.

14 January

Client Update - January 2024


For a refresher on how to update your client, click here.

In Check Files and/or when typing /ver in game, the new version number should be 30231223_0 or higher.

  • No significant updates; just keeping things moving.

Community members who are using high-definition DATs, such as Ashenbubs, are recommended to use XIPivot to sideload their files to making updating month-to-month easier. Be sure to grab it to get the latest textures. Players who use Xi-View should update from Caradog or KenshiDRK depending on which one they use.

Ensuring you have the latest versions can fix several issues with chat windows crashing clients, icons not showing up right, etc.

Winter Celebration 2023

The Winter Celebration 2023 draws to a close for another year.

Top Gift Givers

  • 🥇 (255) Ancho/Kocho
  • 🥈 (245) Ree
  • 🥉 (244) Zerokool

Top Cheerful

  • 🥇 (841) Ancho
  • 🥈 (831) Nullartesia
  • 🥉 (790) Aromani

Other Highlights

  • 43 players consistently participated in the Holiday Gift (crafters) quest every day of the event.
  • 211 players completed The Christmas Carol seasonal event for the first time in 2023! Ho ho ho!
    • 45 players started the event, but didn’t complete it at all. Bah Humbug!
  • 218 players participated in at least 10 Gift Hunt requests with 3740 gifts turned in during the event.
  • 487 Shadow Lord t-shirts where handed out from the Stop the Grinch BCNM during the event.

Soon it’ll warm up and be time for the Spring Event in March!


  • UPDATE Added !craft (Abdhaljs Isle - Purgonorgo) to the list of support zones for the Heroics : Domain Invasion latent to allow players to more easily test their Reisenjima Sanctorium gear.
  • UPDATE Added Uragnite shells to the Bight Uragnites in Ceizak and Yahse for additional drops for those needing them for crafting.
  • BUG Addressed an edge case where players could have San d’Oria Mission 5-1 complete, but restart Mission 3-1 and be unable to proceed; moved the checks around to allow this (unfortunate) situation.
  • BUG Addressed an incorrect Magic Attack Bonus modifier ont he Jhakari Robe +2.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where the Rimeice Earring gave +1 Pet Damage Taken instead of -1 Pet Damage Taken.
  • BUG Removed the Malignance Earring and Snotra Earring from the Auction House listings (couldn’t sell anyway as they’re rare/ex).
  • BUG Removed the incorrect drop lists from Tsetse Flies in Batallia Downs [S].

7 January

Hot Zones Update

Based on player feedback, we’ve adjusted hot zones to have 4 hour windows, 2 zones per window. This should allow hot zone updates in both zones at the same time, give longer windows, and options for those who don’t want to do Promy zones.

All times are in server time – US Central Time.

  • 00:00 -> 03:59 = Moh Gates, Promyvian - Holla
  • 04:00 -> 07:59 = Sih Gates, Promyvian - Dem
  • 08:00 -> 11:59 = Crawler’s Nest [S], Promyvian - Mea
  • 12:00 -> 15:59 = Woh Gates, Promyvian - Vahzl
  • 16:00 -> 19:59 = Dho Gates, Outer Ra’Kaznar
  • 20:00 -> 23:59 = Ra’Kaznar Inner Court, Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

See the updated Hot Zones daily event page for more details.


  • UPDATE Added an additional check when deleting members from grouped treasure pools when all members on the same IP leave at the same time and potentially causing a crash condition.
  • UPDATE Added an additional check for Plaguevain Bats not giving quest credit (and continuing to investigate why these guys are so finicky).
    • For now, random Peaeckeeper missions for Plaguevain Bats when fallback to Broxa (for those who already have it) for quest credit to reduce potential player frustration.
  • BUG Remove duplicate recipe for Phrygian Gold Ingots (doesn’t affect craft).
  • BUG Addressed issue with Lanun Bottes +2/+3 having ranged accuracy rather than ranged attack mods.
  • BUG Addressed issue with Maxixi Tiara /+1 having Samba Duration +% rather than just flat Samba Duration.
  • BUG Addressed issue with the Malignance Sword having +25 CHR instead of +25 INT.
  • BUG Addressed issue with the Emet Harness not having any mods.
  • BUG Addressed issue with the Ebisu Rod not counting towards fishing up a Gigant Squid.
  • BUG Addressed an issue where smol players (size 0) were seeing the incorrect type of packets for treasure pools ( seeing the “zone-wide” window like in Dynamis instead of normal). Because, leave to to SE that the packet that controls model height is also related to the treasure pool window.
    • You must be this tall to properly see the loot.