
Starter Quest




Jump 🆕

This ability works exactly like dragoon’s ‘Jump’ to dash to a mob and reduce enmity.


Enhances attack and critical hit rate. This ability is modified for the higher stat values of the server.

  • Attack Bonus: 10 + (STR/10) with a cap of 150
  • Critical Hit Rate: 2 + (DEX/128) with a cap of 10%
  • If a player has a piece of gear with ‘Augments Impetus’, they also gain accuracy and critical hit damage bonuses equal to the attack and critical hit rate bonuses.

Chi Blast

Chi Blast’s Boost multiplier formula has been updated to account for the player’s level.

  • Old Formula: (boost power / 100) * 4
  • New Formula: (boost power / 100) * (player level / 4)
  • The new formula caps at a 50x multipler for the effects of Boost on Chi Blast.

Main Job Only

The following abilities are only available when monk is the character’s main job.

  • Footwork
  • Impetus
  • Inner Strength

Non-working Abilities / Traits

All abilities are wired up and working at this time.